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At the Last Supper, John’s gospel tells us that Jesus sat down and washed the disciples’ feet. It was a horrible task, after having walked the dusty streets all day in sandals, and it was usually done by the lowest servant of the household. The disciples must have been shocked to see their leader doing such a lowly, disgusting job. Peter even tried to protest (take a look at John 13:8). But Jesus told them, ‘Since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow’ (John 13:14-15 NLT). Think about those disciples – there was Peter, who would deny knowing Jesus; Thomas, who would doubt Him; Judas, who would betray Him; and all the others, who would desert Him in His time of need. But that didn’t stop Jesus. He was encouraging them to treat others with the same grace, humility, and forgiveness that He was showing them by washing their feet. It didn’t mean He endorsed their sins. It didn’t make it okay for Peter to deny Him, or Judas to betray Him, and so on. When we receive God’s grace, it doesn’t mean He’s turning a blind eye to our mistakes. And when we follow Jesus’ example and show grace to others, it doesn’t mean we’re unaware of the damage and pain that their sins have caused. Instead, grace chooses to see God’s forgiveness even more. Where there’s no grace, bitterness grows. But where grace is abundant, forgiveness grows. So let’s work towards developing a Christlike character by showing grace to everyone we meet, whatever the circumstances.

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