Serving the Church,Reaching the Nation

UCB Ireland is a Christian media ministry with the primary objective of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to the nation of Ireland.
Through our Radio stations, The Word for Today, Prayer line and Social media, we want to bring a message of hope and The Gospel of Jesus in all we do.
Our Mission Statement is Serving the Church, Reaching the Nation. This means that we aim to be a ministry that churches can rely on to help them to reach their communities. Providing resources and a message of hope.
We are excited to see how we can help churches across Ireland to strengthen and spread the good news of the gospel.
Bringing a Message of Hope
Meet The Team
UCB Ireland has an incredible team of staff and volunteers from all across the island.
The History of UCB Ireland
UCB Ireland began in 1998 as a branch office of UCB UK, promoting UCB UK's radio broadcasts on satellite and distributing a daily devotional called "The Word for Today" to individuals and churches across Ireland.
In 2006 UCB Ireland was awarded a satellite licence and in October 2008 began broadcasting on SKY satellite.
In 2011, we were awarded a Digital Content Contract which allowed us to broadcast not only on Satellite, but on Cable and DAB and we began broadcasting on Virgin Media Cable shortly after that.
In 2012, we began broadcasting on a DAB/DAB+ trial in Dublin and this trial was extended to Cork in 2014.
UCB Ireland is a donor supported ministry, with both radio listeners and readers of Word for Today generously donating regularly. We endeavour to be good stewards of the money that is so generously donated to us, and so in June 2016 it was decided that we should not pursue the DAB trial broadcasts.
In late 2016 we launched our app on iPhone and in early 2017 we launched on Android services. With the development of mobile services across the nation we are excited about the ability to “Take us with you wherever you go”. App technology is an exciting way of hearing radio and we are looking for new ways of developing our reach with this technology.
We are excited to see how we can help churches across Ireland to strengthen and spread the good news of the gospel as we serve the church and reach the nation.