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The author Susan Alexander Yates suggests some resolutions for us to work on in the New Year. ‘1) Reach someone who doesn’t know Christ. God commands us to be salt and light  (see Matthew 5:13-16); that won’t happen if we spend all our time with believers….While reaching out feels scary, when you take the risk, you’ll see God work through you. 2) Be more grateful. I used to wake…thinking about all the things I had to do and…the people who needed me. I got depressed before I… got out of bed!…So I started meditating on…God’s character traits…thinking about how awesome God is. My perspective…changed. 3) Say “no” to something. Maturing means you postpone something you’d like to do to focus on something more important. In 10 years, what will matter most? 4) Pursue Christ with fresh vigour. [David prayed], “Restore to me the joy of your salvation” (Psalm 51:12 NIV). Vary [your routine]…[Pick] a new topic for Bible study. Begin a fresh journal. If you…still feel stale, ask God to show you the reason.’ The New Year is a great marker point for us to use when we want to make significant changes, give up a bad habit, take on a new, good habit, or simply refresh our relationship with God. What are your resolutions for the year ahead? What would you like to change? Where in your life would you like to see new growth? Whatever our goals, ‘let us throw off everything that hinders and…run with perseverance the race marked out for us’ (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).

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