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Here are two more ways to know God’s will for our lives: 1) Favourable circumstances. When God is leading, the way will open up for us. When He sends us, He goes before us first (see John 10:4). His Word says, ‘When I open a door, no one can close it. And when I close a door, no one can open it.’ God opens the right doors and closes the wrong doors. The right doors lead to blessing, but the wrong doors lead to confusion, pain, or loss. Only unbelief can keep a door closed once God has commanded it to open. Just as Moses said, all we need to do is this: ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.’ (Exodus 14:13 NIV). 2) Inner ‘traffic lights’. Sone people might talk about ‘checks’ in their spirit – moments where they get a sense that they need to stop wait, or go. When we first accept God into our lives, we become new people with new spiritual natures that are ‘alive to God’ (Romans 6:11 NIV), and that means we’re equipped to sense God moving within us. It’s helpful to get advice from wise and mature Christians, but God should have the word in our hearts. ‘It is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfil his good purpose’ (Philippians 2:13 NIVUK). If we’re completely open to God’s leading, He’ll be at work within us, directing our will and behaviours. He will give us the ‘red light’ when He wants us to stop, the ‘amber light’ when He wants us to pause for a moment, and the ‘green light’ when He wants you to go. Don’t go on red! Don’t ignore the amber! Don’t stop on green!

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