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Always try to do these two things: First, recognise God’s Word as the final authority for deciding God’s will (see Isaiah 8:20). The Bible speaks clearly on life’s important issues. Every other source of guidance we accept needs to agree with it. We don’t need theological training, we just need to let God speak through His Word before we look for anybody else’s opinion. For example, to tell a lie is unacceptable because God insists, ‘You shall not…lie’ (Leviticus 19:11 NKJV). End of discussion. No other opinion is needed when God’s Word is clear. But here’s a word of warning: the Bible is a book of principles, not a multiple-choice do-it-yourself manual. If we pick isolated Scriptures without reading them in context and asking God for wisdom about them, we’ll end up in confusion, not clarity. For instance, ‘all things are yours’ (1 Corinthians 3:21 NKJV) isn’t permission to choose whatever we want! But what if we search the Bible without finding anything that settles the issue we’re facing? Then it’s time for this next step: Recognise the inner nudges of the Holy Spirit. But how can we know they’re from the Holy Spirit? It takes some experience and practice to learn, but the first stage is to be sure we’ve fully submitted our will to God. Our ‘impressions’ on a topic mustn’t contradict other biblical principles. If they do, they’re not from God. Here is the Holy Spirit’s assignment: ‘When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth…he will shew you things to come’ (John 16:13 KJV). Don’t be in a hurry. If it’s from God’s Spirit, it will become stronger and clearer with time and prayer. If not, it will gradually fade. So wait prayerfully!

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