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Your anger may or may not hurt the person towards whom it’s directed, but it can definitely hurt you. Prolonged anger releases toxic chemicals into our bodies that can eventually affect our health and may even harm us. Every minute we give to anger is a minute of joy taken from us. And it can hurt us personally and professionally. Everybody gets upset from time to time. But when you walk around with your anger barely concealed, people avoid you. Plus, you’re giving whoever angers you power over your attitude and your responses. That’s too much power to give anybody! God wants us to live in peace. Here are some strategies to let go of anger: 1) Recognise the main hurt and emotion at the root of your anger. (Hint: It can often be pride.) 2) Become mindful of how your anger is showing itself (such as grumpiness or profanity). 3) Restrain anger’s effect on your body by pausing, taking a deep breath, and adding an affirmation such as ‘Thank You, Father’ or ‘I receive Your peace now.’ Watch your tone of voice in all your communications, not just with someone who has made you angry. Politely make requests rather than ordering or demanding. You’ll feel more in control, and people will be more inclined to cooperate with you. 4) Decide to forgive. You’ll know you’ve forgiven when you no longer want to see your offender punished or penalised. But don’t mistake this with the reality that you still feel hurt. Feelings follow behaviour. If you continue to reopen the wound by constantly talking about it, it’ll never heal. Just keep walking in love, talking to God, and your emotions will begin to fall into line with your decision.

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