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Joseph had two dreams, and the second was bigger than the first. His first dream was a field of sheaves; the second dream was a sky full of stars. So the word for today is – dream one size bigger! Henry Curtis said: ‘Make your plans as fantastic as you like, because twenty-five years from now they will seem mediocre. Make your plans ten times as great as you first planned, and twenty-five years from now you will wonder why you did not make them fifty times as great.’ The way to ensure we keep growing is to make our goal a step beyond what’s comfortable for us. If we do that, we’ll find we have to keep growing! And it’ll also set us up to trust God for greater things. Most people want their lives to keep improving, but they value peace and stability at the same time. They forget that you can’t improve and stay the same. Growth means change, and that means challenging the status quo. Thinking ‘possible’ means we won’t settle for what we have now. There’ll always be people around us who want us to give up our dreams and embrace the status quo. We can love them, but we mustn’t be led by them. As we begin to trust God for greater things and others try to dissuade us, remember that right now, as you’re reading this, other people around the world are thinking about curing cancer, developing new energy sources, feeding the hungry, improving the quality of life, and winning whole nations for Christ. They’re beating the odds and challenging the status quo – and we must, too, in whatever ways we can.

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