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We’re bombarded each day with hundreds of messages via texts, tweets, email, and blogs. In fact, it’s entirely possible to become unwell through information overload. Some days it can feel like being trapped in a blizzard, with so many people and things constantly demanding our attention as we fight through the day. Technology makes things more convenient – and more difficult at the same time! That doesn’t mean technology is bad, but it can give new opportunities for us to get burnt out if we’re not careful. That’s no way to live, and it certainly isn’t God’s will for us. Today, Jesus is saying, ‘If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest…learn from me’ (v.28-29 CEV). Leadership expert and Christian author Phil Cooke says: ‘The Lord can’t relieve the pressure while you’re in the wrong place, at the wrong time, doing the wrong thing, with the wrong people…When you’re in God’s will, you can work hard, but travel light! He’ll carry your burdens and take the weight. Simplifying your life may mean working fewer hours, scheduling “down time” and investing more in your loved ones. Markets, assignments, personalities and situations are all different, but these principles hold true for everyone.’ Is God saying it’s time to simplify things? It doesn’t have to involve anything difficult or call for a massive lifestyle change – maybe something like checking messages on the hour instead of as soon as they arrive, or setting yourself some time each day when you free yourself from distractions and people know you’re not going to respond during that time. Simplifying doesn’t have to be complicated!

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