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The sign outside a little country church read: ‘Jesus said…’ That’s it – nothing else! Obviously the person responsible for changing the sign was interrupted before finishing the job, leaving the incomplete message for passing drivers to fill in the blank. Some would drive by, giving it little thought and nothing more than a glance. The more biblically minded might search their memory for the right answer. And some might think the sign writer missed an opportunity to share words that can transform lives. Jesus said, ‘Every word I’ve spoken to you is a Spirit-word and so it is life-making’ (John 6:63 MSG). The words of people can inform us, but only the words of God can transform us. David understood the awesome benefits of God’s Word. In Psalm 19:7-11 NLT, he tells us it’s essential for these: 1) ‘Reviving the soul.’ God’s Word is inexhaustible, but we’re not! We wear down with time and effort, and need restoration and revitalising. 2) ‘Making wise the simple.’ God’s Word gives us insights for crucial, everyday decision-making. We don’t need a high IQ and a PhD for the message to be clear. The Bible is for everyone, and we can all learn from it. David said, ‘I have more insight than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the aged, because I have observed Your precepts’ (Psalm 119:99-100 NASB 1995 Edition). 3) ‘Bringing joy to the heart’ (Psalm 19:8 NLT). Happiness is dependent on having the right people and circumstances in your life. But ‘joy’ is different; it’s an inside job that comes from living in alignment with God and His Word every day. 4) ‘Giving insight for living.’ Whenever we have a problem in our personal life, home life, or working life, God’s Word offers us ‘insight for living’. It’s our handbook for life!

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