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Paul says that the gift God gave each of us that first Christmas is ‘indescribable’. The Living Bible says it’s ‘too wonderful for words’. Consider this: Isaiah says, ‘Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given’ (Isaiah 9:6 KJV). Jesus was both God and man. As a child He was born, but as the Son of God He could only be given, because He always existed. So He is the perfect solution to our sin problem because He understands both sides: the claims of divinity and the struggles of humanity. Today let’s take a look at this ‘indescribable gift’. First, He is our ‘daysman’! We see this word in the King James translation of the Bible, when Job said, ‘Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both’ (Job 9:33 KJV). It could also be translated as umpire, mediator, or middleman. ‘Daysman’ is an old English word for someone who was more than just an umpire; they could actually join the game and bring both sides together. So when we mess up, Jesus keeps one hand on us and the other on God so that the connection is never broken. ‘Indescribable’! Second, He is our intercessor! The Bible says, ‘He is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them’ (Hebrews 7:25 NIV). If we had to remember and confess all the sins of omission and commission you commit each day, we’d never sleep; we’d live constantly in a state of confession. But Christ’s death covers all the wrong we’ve done (commission), and His life covers all the good we’ve left undone (omission). He’s fully qualified to represent us before God, and there is only one word that fits a Christmas gift like this: ‘indescribable’.

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