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Paul wrote, ‘I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it’ (Galatians 1:13 NIV). Paul clearly had no thoughts of becoming a Christian at first. As a Jew, he was obsessed with the law. As an intellectual, he could debate the best minds. He was articulate and educated, and committed to the teachings of his faith. But he hated Christians! He watched as Stephen, the first martyr, was stoned to death. And while he didn’t personally participate, he held the coats of those who did (see Acts 7:57-59). Paul must never have dreamed that one day he’d switch sides. But when God has a plan for your life, He‘ll do whatever it takes to fulfil it. By the time He casts His net over you, He’s already begun to work out His purpose for you. Even while Paul held the coats of Stephen’s executioners, God had plans to use him. Just as He had plans for you when you were going around doing your own thing, perhaps acting from selfish motives, or prizing ungodly ideas of success. None of that stopped God because, ‘Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.’ If Paul had known God planned to meet him that day on the Damascus Road, he might have taken a different route. But ‘He was suddenly dazed by a blinding flash of light. As he fell to the ground, he heard a voice’ (Acts 9:3-4 MSG). This proud Pharisee had an appointment with God that wasn’t in his diary – but it was in God’s. And it was a meeting that would turn his life upside down. And to bring you into alignment with His will, God will do whatever it takes. He won’t allow stubbornness, selfish  desires, or human motives to derail His plans for your life!

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