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People who are faithful and dependable are in demand. Employers want workers who have integrity and can be relied on to do a good job. Citizens of a country long for politicians who will faithfully carry out all of their election promises. In a wedding ceremony, newlyweds are asked to be faithful to the vows they make to each other. The truth is, without faithfulness, our influence and reputation will be restricted – or even wiped out. Without faithfulness, the joy and impact of all our other wonderful talents are diluted. Faithfulness can turn the mundane into the miraculous and transforms ordinary individuals into dependable achievers. The author of Proverbs noted: ‘Many people claim to be loyal, but it is hard to find a trustworthy person.’ The world wants people who are faithful. There are more than 300 geysers in Yellowstone National Park (that’s around half the known geysers in the world). But one stands out above the others. It’s not the largest, and its waters don’t reach the greatest height, but it’s by far the most popular. And its popularity is due to just one thing – its reliability. People stand in long lines under the hot sun to see it, because according to a precise schedule, it shoots a stream of boiling water more than 120 feet into the air. You can nearly set your watch by it. That’s why it’s called Old Faithful. People are attracted to our faithfulness. God is glorified by our faithfulness. So in everything you do today, practise faithfulness.

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