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Ever been serving God and thought you shouldn’t have to do the task you’re doing? Ever got tired of serving when it doesn’t seem to be making any difference? Ever thought ‘why am I even bothering?’ It can be easy to have these thoughts. But when it comes to serving God, and others, we need to set our hearts on being faithful. Sometimes we can think too highly of ourselves and believe that certain tasks are beneath us. If we’re the worship leader, should we have to serve by putting out the chairs? If we’ve done big things for God before, why has He given us such a mundane task now? There was a man in the Old Testament who carried the tent pegs when they moved the tabernacle from place to place. This wasn’t much of a high-profile position, but it was important. Without the pegs, they couldn’t put up the tent. And the tent was where the people could meet with God. But whatever task God’s calling us to do, whether we feel over-equipped or under-equipped, we need to serve faithfully. The Bible says: ‘Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’ When we do everything for God, it changes our attitude towards it. We’re serving Him not people. And if we start to lose motivation, we can remember that our serving makes a difference to other people’s lives and other people’s faith. One day God will say to us, just as Jesus said in one of His parables, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’ (Matthew 25:23 NIV).

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