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Does the thought of getting older depress you, make you anxious, or make you fatalistic in your outlook? If so, read this: ‘Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing’ (vv. 13-14 NKJV). Even thinking about how we’ll be ten years from now can fill us with anxious thoughts. Here are some ideas of how to stay ‘fresh and flourishing’ as we get older: 1) Guard your health. Studies show that good health is a huge factor in determining our level of happiness as we get older. So try to eat healthy, and exercise as often as you can. Drink lots of water, and take advice from a doctor or medical professional when you need to. All these things can help to improve your quality of life, whatever age you are. 2) Take care of your appearance, but don’t let it control you. When you look good, you feel good – and inspired. But keep your quest for looking good in balance. Remember God’s words to Samuel: ‘The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart’ (1 Samuel 16:7 NLT). Examine your motives and seek God’s advice if you begin to feel that your self-worth is dependent on how you look. You have so many unique and amazing qualities, and looks are really only a tiny part of what makes you you. 3) Look for someone to help. Mother Teresa said, ‘We cannot do great things. We can only do little things with great love.’ You’ll be amazed at the sense of strength, self-worth, and satisfaction you feel when you meet the needs of others. An unknown poet wrote, ‘It’s loving and giving that makes life worth living!’

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