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In Scripture we see that God usually called busy people. Moses the shepherd was busy tending his flock. Gideon the farmer was busy harvesting his crop. Peter and John the fishermen were busy mending their nets. But there was something inside each of them that responded to God’s call. With God, availability matters more than ability. Imagine a farm worker called Saul out looking for his father’s lost mules, and returning home anointed to be Israel’s first king (see 1 Samuel 9-10). And if He did that for Saul, there’s no telling what God will do with you! So, be faithful and nurture the dreams He puts in your heart, because when the time is right, He’ll set everything in place. The psalmist said, ‘Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart’ (Psalm 37:4 NIV). Don’t be impatient. If God put the desire into your heart, He’ll also provide everything that’s needed to make it happen. Jesus said, ‘Human effort accomplishes nothing…the…words I have spoken to you are spirit and life’ (John 6:63 NLT). So, water your vision with God’s Word, and spend time with Him in prayer. And if anyone tries to come between you and what God has called you to do, it’s fine to say, ‘Sorry, I have to go. I’m already fully booked. My calling is too important to miss.’ You don’t need to struggle with God’s call on your life; just surrender to Him, and He’ll help you with the rest. The Bible says, ‘Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound’ (Romans 5:20 KJV). You don’t need to worry that you’re unqualified when He calls you. You can have confidence because you’re ‘called…by his marvellous grace’.

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