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In what situation might God send an angel to help you? 1) When those you love and trust have disappointed you. Imagine how Hagar felt. In a joint decision with his wife, Sarah, Abraham got Hagar pregnant in order to try and fulfil God’s promise. Then when Isaac was born a year later, he sent her away without child support. Crying and believing they would both die, Hagar left baby Ishmael under a tree and walked away. But God sent an angel to tell her that her son was a child of destiny who was part of His plan (see Genesis 21:18). 2) When you’re facing embarrassment and can’t defend yourself. Mary planned to get married first, then have a baby. But God had a different plan. Not only was she facing public humiliation, but according to the law, she should be put to death. But God sent an angel to tell her that she was in the centre of His will (see Luke 1:34-38). 3) When you’re grieving the death of someone you love and worrying about your future. Mary Magdalene loved Jesus more than life itself, so when He died and was buried, she was distraught and heartbroken. That’s when God sent an angel to announce: ‘He is not here: for he is risen’ (Matthew 28:6 KJV). The Bible says, ‘Some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it’ (Hebrews 13:2 NIV). The cynical world can make us doubt that God actually loves us enough to send an angel to help us. But it’s true, He can, and will.

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