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There are certain doors in life that once opened are hard to close – pornography is one of them. And like any addict, once you’re hooked, you need increasing doses to satisfy yourself until finally you end up shocked and shamed by the depths to which you have sunk. And statistically speaking, the problem is exactly the same in the church as it is in society. Jesus taught us to pray, ‘Deliver us from evil,’ and some of that evil is now brought into our homes through television and the internet. Parents, protect your children from things that can cloud their minds and hurt their chances of building healthy relationships. And if you’re addicted to pornography, pray this prayer: ‘Lord, “cleanse me from my sin” (Psalm 51:2 KJV). Help me to stop setting myself up for shame and failure by the things I open myself up to (see Romans 13:14). I repent and ask for your deliverance now. Reveal to me the emotional needs I’m attempting to fulfil, and give me the courage, strength, and wisdom to deal with them in a manner that honours you. I want to follow Job’s example, because he made a covenant with his eyes not to look upon, wish for, or lust after sinful things. I can’t do it in my own strength. Fill me with your Spirit. Give me someone I can trust to be honest with me – someone who will share this burden with me in prayer and believe for my deliverance. Give me a longing for you that will surpass and destroy all lustful thoughts. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.’

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